Using ChatGPT to Create a PowerPoint Presentation

ChatGPT Presentation Tutorial

Create Presentations in Just Minutes

Have ChatGPT whip up a stellar outline and write either the VBA code for PowerPoint or Google Apps Script for Google Slides. Then all you have to do is pop the code into your preferred platform and finesse the design.

You’ll be ready to impress within minutes.

Outline Your Presentation

You have a few options for creating your presentation outline, including:

Assemble the outline yourself, in which case, skip the next step.

Upload a PDF and ask ChatGPT to create an outline from it. Use the prompt: “You are an expert in creating presentations. Based on the content of the PDF I’ve uploaded, create an outline for a presentation. Ensure each slide summarizes key points from the PDF efficiently. Use a maximum of [desired amount] of slides.”

Or, Ask ChatGPT to research a topic and create an outline. Use the prompt: “You are an expert in creating presentations. Research the topic: [topic], and create a presentation outline covering key points about [topic]. Use a maximum of [desired amount] of slides.”

TIP: If you know how you want the slides to be organized, add this to your prompt: “Structure the presentation into the following sections: [section, section, etc.]”

Ask ChatGPT to generate the VBA code using the prompt: “Please write me VBA code to create a PowerPoint presentation using the following outline: [paste your outline].”

Step 3: Add the VBA code to PowerPoint

Once ChatGPT generates the VBA code, select ‘Copy code’ (top right corner of the code block).

Open PowerPoint. Select ‘File’ > ‘Options’ > ‘Customize Ribbon’ (on the left side-bar).

Under ‘Main Tabs’, check the ‘Developer’ option. Click ‘OK’.

Click on the ‘Developer’ tab (in the bar along the top of the screen), and select ‘Visual Basic’.

Within the ‘Insert UserForm’ dropdown, click ‘Module’.

Paste ChatGPT’s VBA code into the module window, and hit the ‘Run’ button to generate a basic presentation.

ChatGPT PowerPoint Creation

Zoomed In

Step 4: Design your presentation

Select the first slide. Click ‘Designer’ (in top right of menu bar).

In ‘Themes’, click on ‘Design Ideas’ to preview design options. Select which design you like.

Repeat the first two steps for each slide.

If desired, add additional content, images, or multimedia


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